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or:  What's going on, man?

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Well, keeping this thing regularly updated has been more difficult than I'd first thought. There are a couple of BIG SECRET PLANS in the works, but nothing ready to be announced.  Bearcub released two (yeah, two) records in June, and we need to move those things.

The writing process for the new CalamityCast show, SPACEMERICA! is well underway.  We're hoping to do an OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT by the end of October, after a lot of the recording is out of the way. That's it though. No new drawings or design, which is a bummer.



I'm trying to keep this website updated with shit I'm making, so I added an Art/Design page, where I'll be throwing drawings, posters, and whatever.  It's slow going, because the Wix editor is kind of garbage.  Nevertheless, I will persist.  For now there's a few thumbnails up there, because I need to walk away from this thing before I snap the laptop in two.


FCBD 2017

This year I contributed to Ink & Drink's Free Comic Book Day book, On the House vol. 6:  Werewolves of London.  It was my first time submitting as an artist.  F and I came up with a sad little story about a wolf that, once a month, transforms into a lady.  She doesn't know why it started, but she looks forward to it every time.  It's brief, so she tries to make the most of it.  We called it The Change.  In addition to the story idea, F helped with the layout designs a little, and also picked out the font!  She's got a good eye for dramatic fonts, for sure.



Recently, Wife told me she wanted to give a friend a birthday present - a Usual Milks mug (never mind what "Usual Milks" means.  It's an inside joke, and I'm not entirely sure of why it's funny).  But, I'd been looking to do more drawing, so I came up with this.  I think it turned out pretty well.  My fav is the unicorn (how could it not be?)  We ended up having a couple of posters printed, a t-shirt, and two mugs.  It is apparently very popular on the birthday lady's Insta.  All I can say is I do my best to deliver



Oh hello little website.  Sorry for neglecting you, I got busy doing other stuff.  A bunch of that stuff should be included on this website, and perhaps one day it shall.  I drew some things, there was so much new podcast production... hell, that whole SPACEMERICA thing mentioned below?  Yeah, season 01 of that is long past.  In fact, we're doing season 02 now!  What else, what else... I did all kinds of new audio engineering & production (I've mixed like five short fims), got a Master's degree... just so much stuff.  Anyway, keep up the good work being my website!  xoxo

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